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Who I Am

Jason Wallace is an Indie author from the Midwest, aspiring to bring his works to the masses and through this, bring joy into their lives.

A single man, perhaps because I enjoy my freedom far too much or because I have not met the right woman.  Who knows?  I live in a very small town.  It's quiet.  It's quaint.  It's peaceful.  Once divorced, no kids, but I do have a cat.  Does that count?

When I'm not writing or promoting my writing or promoting the writing of others, I enjoy reading, films, music (and lots of it!), spending time with friends and family, and the outdoors.... occasionally, some photography, as well.

I have been writing for more than 20 years, mostly poetry, but since 2011, I have been writing novels and short stories, in various genres.


I enjoy the craft of writing so much that when I am not writing, I am thinking about writing.  It is my passion, the great love of my life.  The ability to create is a gift; however, the bad thing about being an Indie author is that you spend more time editing, self-publishing, and promoting than you do actually writing.



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